About Us

Meet Tied to Solutions

What is Tied to Solutions? Founded in 2009, Tied to Solutions ™ é um programa de habilidades para a vida que abrange tudo, desde a integridade pessoal,en, personal grooming, table manners, mentoring/counseling, social issues, and college preparation for at risk male youth ages 11-17.

Organizational Statement:Tied to Solutions™ (TTS) is a 501c3 nonprofit organization committed to solving urban issues through partnerships between the grassroots community organizations, business and government with an emphasis on youth development

Our Vision: We see a world where all youth have a voice and an opportunity to exercise their innate leadership abilities, collectively affect change, and create a safe environment, thus inspiring a youth movement.


Worldwide charity programs

Nosso objetivo é incutir auto-confiança nestes rapazes para que eles irão reconhecer a importância da sua auto-estima, imagem e estilo de vida, assim, permitindo-lhes fazer melhores escolhas de vida.

Leading volunteer groups

Volunteering is fun, big time.

Being a volunteer is one of the most gratifying things you’ll ever do. Not to mention, one of the most fulfilling. Você tem a oportunidade de ajudar a moldar o futuro de uma juventude para melhor, capacitando-o a alcançar,en. And the best part is, it’s actually a lot of fun!

Meet our Team

George Davis
George Davis
Mobile :(832) 685-8433
Beverly Jeffries
Beverly Jeffries
Mobile :(832) 685-8433
Michael Smith
Michael Smith
Mobile :(832) 685-8433
Marcus Morris
Marcus Morris
Mobile :(832) 685-8433
Alicea Hill
Alicea Hill
Mobile :8325555555

Are you ready to volunteer?

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