Tied to Solutions (en conjunción con YFL) proporcionará becas a los estudiantes que se gradúan.
0.00% Raised
Donation: $0.00 / $10,000.00
0 Donors

HAGA CLIC AQUÍ PARA APP http://yflfoundation.org/EnrollOnline.aspx

Did you know that 18 to 24 year olds are the fastest growing age group filing for bankruptcy? The struggles of the economy have put heavy emphasis on the importance of educating today’s youth towards preparing for a secure financial future.

The YFL Scholarship Program is available for current high school seniors and first year college freshman.

Applicants with the highest exam scores and strongest essays will receive the following scholarships:

1st place – $25,000

2nd place – $20,000

3rd place – $17,500

4th place – $10,000

5th place – $7,500

6th – 10th place – $5,000 each

11th – 40th place – $2,500 each

Fill out the required Scholarship Application Entry Form. Please make sure your contact information is accurate, as it will be used to contact the scholarship recipients. Once you hit submit, you will be presented with a pdf displaying 30 multiple choice questions and three essay questions. Print the documents and answer all questions in the financial exam by circling the best answer. Choose one of the three essay questions provided and respond with a maximum of 500 words. Mail your completed Financial Exam and typed Financial Essay to the Youth Financial Literacy Foundation by December 15, 2016. Late submissions will not be accepted. Please make sure that the name you include on your documents matches the name you have submitted in this online Scholarship Application Entry Form.

Essays must be typed and double spaced. You must include your Full Name, Email Address and Phone number at the top of each page.